
I provide lectures and run workshops for therapists, groups, outdoor education classes, high school classes, and college classes.  I tend to be interactive and dynamic as a speaker and greatly enjoy working with groups.  Feel free to reach out to me to discuss your event.

Services Provided:

Individual Therapy

I work with clients individually to address concerns ranging from problems in relationships and everyday living to diagnosed mental conditions. I meet with clients for 45 minutes, usually weekly, to address these concerns.  For individuals for whom we decide longer sessions might be preferable, I can sometimes arrange longer (60 or 80) minute sessions.


Coaching often overlaps with many aspects of individual therapy, but tends to focus more on helping clients who are already doing fairly well reach their "peak performance." My coaching process involves 45 minute meetings. Clients explore their values, what they want in life, and we work together to enhance motivation and effectiveness in getting them there.  Overall, coaching is about striving for change in the direction of your aspirations, even in the case of baseline high functioning. I can help you with motivation and commitment along the way to your goals.

Melissa Fredette, Ph.D..

Couples Therapy

I have worked with couples in all stages of their lives and relationships.  Clients generally come in for either 45 minutes or 80 minute sessions weekly or biweekly, but I have experience and training in providing longer "intensive" couples therapy lasting 3-4 hours per session.  This can be done for a variety of reasons, including scheduling constraints and the desire to delve deeply into matters in one uninterrupted session.  Either way, the biggest mistake most of my couples clients say they have made is not coming in sooner.

What I can help you with

Problems in Living: Transitions, Changing Roles, Bumps in the Road, and What Should I Do?   

Many clients enter therapy reporting that they are struggling, are suffering, are experiencing change, or just "feel bad." They often have recently transitioned into being something new (a parent, a college student, a professor, divorced, married, the list goes on) and are feeling challenged by the change. Therapy can help with all of these things. It can help clients determine their values and goals, seek the changes they want in their lives, and have a safe place to come to where someone trusted will listen and care.  

Relationship Issues  

People are social creatures and most of us strongly value relationships.  I am happy to help you navigate the challenges (and joys) of relationships with significant others, friends, colleagues, and the world.

Anxiety, Fear and Worries

Anxiety manifests in many ways and sometimes, many ways at once.  I work with clients who struggle with insomnia, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, intense perfectionism often coupled with fear of failure, social anxiety, fear of public speaking or other specific fears, and finally just "worrying about everything."   

Grief, Bereavement, Death and Dying

Everyone grieves differently.  For many people, it can help to talk about and explore your feelings with a confidant.  I have advanced training in working with people who have life threatening illnesses and with people who are grieving.   

Depression and Concerns about Mood  

If you struggle with your mood, either feeling very down or somewhat down more often than not, you may have depression. You are not alone; I work with many clients who struggle with low mood.  I also work with people whose moods vary and seem at times difficult to control.  Some clients also have times of exceedingly high or inflated mood.  Some of these individuals may carry a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, and others just have a sense that their mood is difficult to manage.  Either way, I would welcome you to my practice.

Executive Functioning and Attention Deficit

Some of my clients have always struggled with attention and/or planning and organization.  Others have found that as demands on them have increased (possibly due to entering college, taking a new job, or changes in relationships), their ability to pay attention, manage their daily activities effectively, or complete tasks has lowered. I work with clients who struggle with attention, planning, organization, multitasking, and completing things on time.

Disordered Eating

I work with clients who feel uncomfortable with their weight, body shape, or their relationship with food. Many of my clients either restrict their intake, overeat, or compensate for their eating in unhealthy ways (including excessive exercise). 

Dealing with Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Trauma happens in many peoples' lives at some point.  It can help to process what has happened with someone outside the traumatic event.  I have advanced training in working with survivors of war, injuries, accidents, and sexual assault or abuse.  

Health-related and Medical Struggles

Concerned about your health?  You are not alone.  Many more people are entering therapy with health-related concerns.  I have worked with  clients who suffer from medical problems including chronic pain, chronic illness, terminal diseases, sleep disorders/insomnia, stroke, and TBI.   I also have worked with many clients who are interested in reducing stress and optimizing their health.0