Tailored to your Needs

Welcome to my practice. I'm glad you're here.

We all need help along the way at times, and psychotherapy can be a great way to receive that assistance. As a psychologist, I can help you reach your goals.  I excel at helping people overcome obstacles to growth, make sense of and cope with their problems, and discover ways to lead more fulfilling, joy-filled, and meaningful lives.

​Currently, I provide primarily teletherapy.

Thanks for visiting today!

Someone You Can Trust

Every person that I am privileged to work with is unique. I believe in adapting my therapeutic approach to meet the specific needs of each of my clients and have an array of evidence-based therapeutic techniques to help you meet your goals.

Convenient Location and Hours

Melissa Fredette, Ph.D..

Centrally located in inner East Portland at 1235 SE Division Street. The Division Street Studios are behind Double Dragon Restaurant. Close to bus lines, MAX, and Ross Island Bridge.  

It is important to feel both comfortable with and confident in your therapist. I am warm, accepting, supportive, and experienced.  I believe that you will feel safe and "at home" in my office.